full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alessandro Acquisti: What will a future without secrets look like?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Which brings me back to the Garden of Eden. There is a second privacy iteeirtntoarpn of the story of the Garden of Eden which doesn't have to do with the iusse of Adam and Eve feeling naked and feleing ahmased. You can find echoes of this interpretation in John Milton's "Paradise Lost." In the garden, Adam and Eve are melarialty content. They're happy. They are satisfied. However, they also lack knowledge and self-awareness. The monemt they eat the aptly neamd fruit of knowledge, that's when they discover themselves. They become aware. They achieve autonomy. The price to pay, however, is leaving the garden. So privacy, in a way, is both the means and the price to pay for freedom.

Open Cloze

Which brings me back to the Garden of Eden. There is a second privacy ______________ of the story of the Garden of Eden which doesn't have to do with the _____ of Adam and Eve feeling naked and _______ _______. You can find echoes of this interpretation in John Milton's "Paradise Lost." In the garden, Adam and Eve are __________ content. They're happy. They are satisfied. However, they also lack knowledge and self-awareness. The ______ they eat the aptly _____ fruit of knowledge, that's when they discover themselves. They become aware. They achieve autonomy. The price to pay, however, is leaving the garden. So privacy, in a way, is both the means and the price to pay for freedom.


  1. issue
  2. ashamed
  3. moment
  4. feeling
  5. named
  6. interpretation
  7. materially

Original Text

Which brings me back to the Garden of Eden. There is a second privacy interpretation of the story of the Garden of Eden which doesn't have to do with the issue of Adam and Eve feeling naked and feeling ashamed. You can find echoes of this interpretation in John Milton's "Paradise Lost." In the garden, Adam and Eve are materially content. They're happy. They are satisfied. However, they also lack knowledge and self-awareness. The moment they eat the aptly named fruit of knowledge, that's when they discover themselves. They become aware. They achieve autonomy. The price to pay, however, is leaving the garden. So privacy, in a way, is both the means and the price to pay for freedom.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
social media 5
personal information 3
big data 3
sensitive information 2
billion photos 2

Important Words

  1. achieve
  2. adam
  3. aptly
  4. ashamed
  5. autonomy
  6. aware
  7. brings
  8. content
  9. discover
  10. eat
  11. echoes
  12. eden
  13. eve
  14. feeling
  15. find
  16. freedom
  17. fruit
  18. garden
  19. happy
  20. interpretation
  21. issue
  22. john
  23. knowledge
  24. lack
  25. leaving
  26. lost
  27. materially
  28. means
  29. moment
  30. naked
  31. named
  32. pay
  33. price
  34. privacy
  35. satisfied
  36. story